Exporting your CAD file to different file types is a step while working on a project. It allows your CAD designs to be opened and edited by other users using different drawing platforms.
Also, exporting to a PDF file format allows for easy sharing and viewing of designs for clients who may not have CAD software installed.
Additionally, exporting to a 3D file format such as STL or OBJ enables your CAD projects to be 3D printed or rendered.
Here are 10 ways to send your files and collaborate with AViCAD

Drawing File Type – DWG
AViCAD natively saves your files to DWG format and lets you export drawing files in earlier AutoCAD versions if working with clients with older CAD versions.

DXF File Type
DXF, also called Drawing Interchange Format, is a reliable way to share your files with most all CAD programs – click on it, and it loads right up.

Save to the Cloud
Cloud storage allows you to share and store your data online and offsite to be accessed anywhere.

PDF Acrobat File Type
Within AViCAD, you can print to a Printer PDF Driver. This allows you to create documents anyone can read. Perfect for emailing and plan checking.

PDF 3D interactive Type
We also include a unique way to share your 3D models within a PDF. They can be rotated within the PDF file, shaded, and more.

3D printer support
AViCAD also supports 3D Printing. Print objects using STL file management for optimal output to 3D printers.

Package up your project with eTransmit
A utility we provide to create a transmittal package. This includes reference files, plot styles, paths, material textures, etc.

3D Studio support
Export your drawing to 3D Studio format, a high-performance rendering solution.

Create BMP files
Also known as a bitmap image file. This file type is a raster graphics image file format, which is best known to Microsoft Windows OS.

Create WMF files
You can also export your DWG’s as Windows Metafiles(WMF). This small portable file can even be inserted into an MS Word document.
Here are three more ways to collaborate with AViCAD Plus

Convert PDF to DWG
Save your vectorized PDFs to DWGs. Using this built-in converter, you take a PDF created by a vector CAD or Graphics program and save it as a PDF.

Import and Export STP Files
AViCAD Plus supports the STP/STEP file extension. STEP files as 3D CAD files used for file exchange.

You can create interactive 3D PDFs and collaborate with users even if they don’t have CAD. View and rotate the 3D model directly inside the PDF. Adobe Reader compatible.